Sabano Blessed Peace
2 min readSep 4, 2021


While in the desert ,
Life may seem hard that you might start questioning your faith but there’s Hope, Just like Abraham, keep hoping even when there’s no reason to.

While in the desert ,
People may laugh at your Vision but just like Noah the rain will come.keep building the Ark . Genesis 7:11

While in the Desert ,
Mockery might be on the lips of the naysayers,
But there's Hope..

While in the Desert, Negative whispers will pursue you to forsake your God but remember to Flee from the enemy and he will flee from you..James 4:7

Dear Human,

Life is a Journey with times and seasons..
Some days are for overflow while others you will have to go through the desert. Ecclesiastes 3

But nomatter what,
Always remember even in the desert he is God,
"There's No desert that the Lord's streams can't flow to"
Hang in there as you wait for the overflow

While in the desert, Celebrate the now and the future for everything is working in your favor . Romans 8:28

While in the desert ,Dance like everything is manifesting in the physical. 2 Samuel 6:14 ,Psalm 30:11

While in the desert,Sing all the praises to God almighty...
Isn't that how chains broke off Paul & Silas while in prison Acts 16:25-26

While in the desert , Rejoice ,for he told us to rejoice always. 1 Thessalonians 5:16

While in the desert,
Have a heart of gratitude . Thessalonians 5:18

While in the desert ,Trust in the Lord and meditate on his word day and night..that’s where our victory is. Psalms 1:1-3

While in the desert,
Pray without Ceasing. 1Thesalonians 5:17

While in the desert, Stand firm in the word of God. Hebrews 10:23

#Letters by Sabano✍🏾



Sabano Blessed Peace

Sold out to Jesus|1Corin16:14- Exodus14:14|Eternity -PRIORITY |Impossible is a Myth |Live to ❤️| Writer: Writing is not just a hobby to me, It’s therapy.